Ryu'a Khairt

Don't ask for an opinion if you don't want an honest answer. Ain't got time to tiptoe around.


Race: Half Miqo'te, half Xaela. (Mother was a Keeper, father a Xaela.)
Age: Around 25 Summers
Orientation: Pansexual (Male Lean)
Description: Stands about 5'4, deep tan skintone. Currently has shorter hair, having cut it off in irritation one day. Will likely grow it out again. Heterochromatic eyes, left eye is a bright blue, the other lavender with a dark limbal ring. Has scales on his lower back that wrap around to his thighs and the very base of his tail. Often kept covered, seeing as they are horribly scarred from years of abuse and trying to pry them off himself when he was younger, also a lack of knowledge on how to care for them properly. Sharp teeth, sharp claws, sharp attitude.Personality: Years of abuse and mistreatment followed by years of fending for himself has left him sarcastic, aloof, sardonic and bitter. Drowning his problems in alcohol is a bad habit, to the point that he's often at some level of inebriation. He's slow to trust anyone, but has no issue flirting, especially if it gains him something, be it money, alcohol, or just a temporary distraction. He has a quick temper, likely due to his Xaela blood. Manage to get on his good side and someone may find a rather amicable individual, as well as a steadfast ally.Likes: Drinking, fighting, traveling as a means to escape, the night sky, spicy foods, food in general, music and playing instruments.Dislikes: Ul'dah, pompous rich people, authority figures, confinement, the open ocean.


((TW: There's a ton of dark aspects to his past and if you're sensitive to touchy subjects like alcoholism, abuse, self harm...yeah my boy probably isn't for you. ))Born deep in the Shroud, life immediately started out difficult for him due to his mixed blood. While his mother's clan had forced her to stay instead of leaving with her Xalea lover, they held no love for the child born from that relationship. At the age of only five summers, his mother passed away, leaving him alone. His father had never been able to locate them again, leaving him at the mercy of the clan. They were not kind to him, the other children often bullying him and nothing was ever done to stop it. He was barely fed, leading him to pick up survival skills on his own at a very young age. He swiftly learned foraging and trapping skills, if only to keep himself from starving. When the calamity struck, he was nearing 12 summers. He was completely separated from his clan in the chaos, but certainly found no sadness in that fact. However, wandering on his own proved incredibly difficult, especially in a broken landscape. There came a point where he was taken in by a group that seemed decent enough, people who actually fed and clothed him...but the truth behind his "rescue" was anything but happy. He found himself trapped and forced to work in a pillow house, often the target of the more violent clientele. In order to keep him pliant, he was often either drugged or forced to consume great deals of alcohol, which led to his dependence upon it. For years he was stuck in that cycle of abuse until he finally escaped at somewhere near 16-17 summers. Not even he was certain anymore.He hid on the streets of Ul'dah for a time, eventually taking odd jobs that were often bordering illegal, just to get by. Reading and writing were not considered of importance to those raised in the pillow house, so he can really do neither. His smarts lay solely in survival and street skills. Though when the pressure becomes too much and pressed into a situation that flairs his temper, he can become consumed by a dark force, driven by rage alone. Given enough anger, the darkness can manifest itself in the form of blades or weapons he can wield. In most situations, he doesn't remember what happened, only awaking exhausted and in pain. As time went, the darkness grew stronger, both a comfort and a curse to someone not really sure how to control it. This also led to a lack of aether control, leaving him less likely to be able to wield magic properly or even to teleport without ending up in the wrong place half the time or suffering horrible aether sickness. Thus, he generally prefers walking.Now in his mid 20's, he spends his days taking what odd jobs he can, usually numbed by the copious amounts of alcohol he drinks to drown the past. His desire to learn is dampened by the fact that most people shun him and that he rarely trusts anyone. However, on those rare occasions that he does finally trust someone, they will find a strong ally, though perhaps with slightly questionable morals. He wanders around whatever parts of Eorzea he can afford to get to, but still has a longing to travel to Othard and the Steppe...if only to see the place his father supposedly came from and search for some kind of answer.


RP Hooks

I am okay with pretty much any genre of RP. Casual, dark, romance, slice of life, AU...I like it all. But as for general hooks;- He's a wandering soul and does plenty of odd jobs both mundane and immoral. Maybe you have need of his help? If the coin is decent, he'll probably take the job.- Bars are a frequent hangout for him, considering he is usually heavy into his drink. Perhaps he is looking for some company?- A darker start would be if you wanted to take the place of one of his clients from when he was younger. Or perhaps you just knew him from that time? Perhaps when he was fending for himself on the streets?- Despite everything, some part of him wants to learn to read. Perhaps if someone got close enough to him and was willing and patient to teach him...- He is endlessly curious about Xaela. He knows next to nothing about them and considering his blood is half of that...well, he wants to know more. That makes him quickly drawn to Xaela, though he may question and be drawn to Raen as well, especially if they're from Othard.- The darkness that consumes him would be better handled if he had someone willing to teach him how...in other words, a dark knight, reaper, or someone who has decent knowledge of such. Learning to control aether could fall on the same page, perhaps learning something as simple as how to teleport properly.- It's not common, but if someone were to want to write with a WoL character, I have no issue with this. His story is much the same, the only difference being that he was pulled into the WoL nonsense at around 17-18. He's still got the same personality and backstory. Always open to fellow traveling companions and whatnot to be dragged into that angst fest.- I like plotting. You have an idea you wanna throw my way? Gladly. We can figure something out together.

OOC Info

Aye, welcome to trash! And by trash, I mean me.I'm in my early 30's and been writing/roleplaying since I was 13. Always looking for that next story to immerse myself in.I'm in a relationship IRL. I don't think this should matter, but to some it clearly does. If you can't separate the two, I am NOT interested.On that note, I am also NOT my character. His views and actions do not represent my own beliefs. I enjoy writing bad things, that does not mean I endorse it.I will only write with people 21+.I will write any theme type. Angst, fluff, slice of life, mature, dark...all good. I tend toward kinda dark, since that's just the nature of my character. However I don't want to cross any lines. COMMUNICATION IS KEY. OOC communication is pretty much a must for me before I will begin any major interactions. Small silly things I'm fine with stay IC for.If you lose interest in writing with me, PLEASE just tell me. I'd much rather that than being ghosted.Discord RP heavily preferred. I work during the week and I'm not online super often. Writing in game is difficult for me (especially with the text limitations and lack of a real proper writing space). But I don't mind it for short on occasion writing or even just playing together in character. Please ask for my discord.